Branches of Faith Artwork

Branches of Faith

This is an exploration into different houses of religion and an attempt to find any underlying consistencies and commonalities. We visit a different House of Worship each week and report back in the podcast. Members and leaders will also be interviewed.  These locations are primarily in the Midwest of USA.

Our running notes and links from research:

Branches of Faith

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Fan Mail

Hi Ben and Kate. I just listened to your episode about the Baha'is and enjoyed it very much. I subscribed and plan to listen to all the episodes. I am a Baha'i that moved from Peoria to Georgia last year. Because Peoria is a small community at the moment, you might not be aware of the four main areas of outreach in larger communities. The first of these is community devotions, designed to bring neighbors of all backgrounds and faiths to pray and consult together to form vibrant communities filled with fellowship, art and music. The second is the study circle, in which people of all backgrounds are invited to study short books about aspects of the Baha'i Teachings. Another activity is children's class, emphasizing virtues and fellowship with all people. A fourth activity is the Junior Youth Empowerment Project. which educates 12-14 year-olds in how to identify needs within the community and arise to meet those needs. I hope this helps to give a feel for what you might find in a larger Baha'i community. I look forward to hearing all of your episodes. Bradley Wright-Hulett

Peoria, Illinois
